Privacy Policy

The importance of the policies & procedures for a company is to spread awareness on why we collect, updates, and use the visitor’s information. The company has the rights to update its privacy policy without notifying clients on our website thus if you want to order with us we recommend that you visit our privacy policy page often. takes into consideration client’s information that is an essential tool for our company privacy policy. It means that whatever the client requests from our service is kept strictly confidential. It means that whoever writes for this company understands the terms and conditions hence you should not be worried because you will never see your work somewhere else.


We collect the following when you visit our website;

  • Financial information that includes credit card name, number, and expiry date.
  • Your name, email address and telephone numbers.
  • Order details that you require us to follow.
  • Correspondence records when you request us for information, providing feedback and reporting a problem.
  • Visitor information, marketing information and web analytic information to track new visitors and returning visitors, their demographics and the most-visited web pages.

Some information is auto collected from our visitors whenever they visit our website such as:

  • Language.
  • Country, state, and city.
  • IP address.
  • Date the information was gathered.
  • Domain.
  • Day of the visit.

We use the collected information for our clients in the following way:

  • To improve our site functionality.
  • To identify and ban spammers and hackers who violate company rules by copyrighting content.
  • To protect our visitors from fraud.
  • To minimize online phishing of information.
  • To keep track of our new visitors.

At, we protect your personal information and only disclose it for the following purposes:

  • To have a record of the most and least visited pages on our website for reporting purposes.
  • To collect payment for the orders and services, you buy from us.
  • To improve the performance of our site.
  • To reply to clients questions and request.
  • To analyze our business dynamic trends.
  • To call and seek clarifications for your order details.

We take caution when handling your personal information. We use high standard security techniques that are safe to transact though, we cannot guarantee 100% since this is online, and anything can happen. If you misuse, steal, mishandle and change your personal information without our notice, we will not be held liable for anything that happens. We advise that before you share your personal information, carefully analyze the company if it is trustworthy to avoid any problem. At, we have customer to writer conversation, but we monitor all communications to ensure that the client is satisfied with our professional quality services. We have employed a variety of security methods so that we can maintain safety for your personal information. We have secure servers that are sensitive to your credit information transmitted via our secure socket server (SSL) technology. We have encrypt it into our payment gateway provider database that is accessible by authorized persons who have special access rights to ensure that the information is confidential.

We will update you with changing functionality and alterations to the site such as; terms and conditions, and privacy policies. We use this data to respond to any queries, complaints, or requests from the clients. We have a right to change our privacy policy at any time, and if you want to be up to date with any new information, we advise that you visit our web page from time to time. If you want clarifications about our privacy policy, contact us through email or dial our toll-free number stated on our contact page.


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